+420 737 558 759 mediace@resolvia.cz

We speak English and are here to help!

Let’s discuss your needs, and together, we’ll find the perfect solution

When it is advisable to come to mediation

The main goal of the mediation process is to end the dispute by agreement. The agreement can take several forms, it can be approved by the court or just concluded between the parties. It can concern content issues, the way of communication or also the setting up of cooperation with other professionals.

We can help you resolve problems in your family, at work, business matters, neighbour disputes, housing, school and study problems. We focus mainly on family, civil and commercial matters.

You are in a difficult situation

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to resolve a difficult matter with another party but don’t know how to do it, try mediation.

Your court proceedings is too long

If you are in court proceedings that are too long, expensive, inefficient and with an uncertain outcome, mediation can help.

You want to make a deal

If you are considering a lawsuit but want to do everything you can to avoid it, try mediation.

What does a mediator actually do and what is mediation for?

A mediator is an impartial person who guides the parties to constructive negotiations, to think together about options for resolution and to reach an agreement.

He or she does not judge the behaviour of any of you, on the contrary, he or she leaves room for you to express what is important to you. He does not write any report to the court or elsewhere about the mediation process, and he keeps the information he has learned confidential. He does not forbid you the topics you want to discuss, he leaves you free to discuss whatever you need to discuss. It does not discard the suggestions you come up with, but allows you to have a discussion about all the options. It doesn’t force its views on you, but works with what is important for you to evaluate the matter.

The mediation agreement is as valid as any other agreement. In addition, it is (at least in our office) drafted according to the requirements of the law and ethical standards. So you can rely on it completely.

Benefits typical only for mediation

Quiet space

Do you know why a quiet space is so important? Because the atmosphere of a court hearing is very stressful. It is mainly the lawyers talking, you face uncomfortable questioning and tough questions from the court and the opposing party, and you wait with mental strain to see how everything will turn out. In mediation, all this is eliminated. However, it is also usually an emotional environment.


Often all you have to do is listen properly. Opening up individual topics and discussing them together will clarify a lot of things. I guide the discussion using proven techniques that reveal the real interests and concerns of both sides. Often, over time, both parties learn to talk about their difficulties without a mediator. For these reasons, you can relax in mediation and say whatever you need to say.

You decide for yourself

In a lawsuit, someone else makes the decision for you and it is very difficult and lengthy to change the decision. In mediation, you make your own decisions. You actively direct your actions, what terms you want to agree to, whether mediation makes sense to you and whether you want to continue. You are responsible for how the dispute turns out. You are taking responsibility back into your hands.

Quick solution

Compared to court proceedings, mediation is carried out in short time frames, with minimal costs and with immediate effect. It is not uncommon for court proceedings to last between two and five years, and this includes trials concerning children! In mediation we reach an overall agreement within an average of three meetings – and court is happy to approve it. 

About me

I graduated from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno (M.A. degree in 2009, J.D. degree in 2011), during my career I have worked as a legal practitioner at the Office of the Ombudsman (2008-2009, 2013), as a lawyer and child advocate at the Office for the International Legal Protection of Children (2013-2020) and as an associate at the law office of JUDr. Martina Ďurďovič (from 2020 to present).

In the course of my practice, I have understood that legal solutions are not enough in everyday life and that the law is far from giving an answer to everything. On the contrary, the key is to get to know the person, to understand what is actually important for him and to offer him an adequate solution with regard to his long-term life perspective. This practice led me to mediation as an effective way to resolve conflict in family, business, and civil matters. I have come to understand that mediation, where people come to their own way of resolution, and legal services, which guarantee the validity and functionality of the agreement in a legal setting, complement each other perfectly.

I have undergone training in transformative mediation (2015-2017) and started mediating mainly family cases, first at the Office for International Child Protection (2015-2018), and then at the Mediation and Education Centre Brno (since 2018). I have also supplemented my perspective with practice in facilitative mediation (2020-2021). Subsequently, I founded my own company RESOLVIA s.r.o. (since 2021), and currently I am still working at the Mediation and Education Centre Brno, where I conduct on average one mediation per week. I also cooperate with the online platform Disputio, where I work as a consultant (from 2023 until now). I am also an active member of the Institute of Conflict Transformation, which organizes educational events in transformative mediation for the general public (since 2025).

In 2024 I passed the prestigious international exam for transformative mediators at the American Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation.

I am an active member of the US Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation and I am a member of the Board of Directors of the Czech Institute for Conflict Transformation.


Training in mediation

Passing the International Transformative Mediator Examination at the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation
Training weekends of facilitative mediation by Mgr. Robin Brzobohatý, PhDr. Lenka Poláková and Mgr. Tomáš Horáček
Mediation workshops at the Mediation Centre Brno, transformative mediation, under the guidance of Mgr. Ing. Martina Cirbusová, Ph.D
Advanced Family mediation course (Institute for transformative mediation)
Child Inclusive mediation and counselling (CIMC) course, 18 hrs
Responding Effectively to Conflict Training, 24 hrs
Training in parental conflict resolution, transformative mediation, 72 hours

Practice in mediation

Since 2023
Renewed practice in family mediation at the Mediation and Education Centre Brno
Since 2021
Own practice
Co-mediation with registered mediator JUDr. Martina Ďurďovič
Mediation at the Mediation and Education Centre Brno at the Centre of Social Services Brno, transformative mediation, conducted as co-mediation, under the guidance of Mgr. Ing. Martina Cirbusová, Ph.D.
Mediation at the Office for International Child Protection, transformative mediation, conducted independently or as co-mediation, under the guidance of Mgr. Robin Brzobohatý

How mediation works in our company

JUDr. Iveta Studenková

phone: +420 737 558 759
e-mail: mediace@resolvia.cz

First Consultation

If you think mediation could help, just call or email me. We’ll discuss your situation, and as a neutral mediator, I only need basic framework information—no details required. Together, we’ll decide how to contact the other party and set up the first meeting. The first consultation is free of charge. 

Contacting the Second Party

After the initial contact, I reach out to the other party (the mediation partner). I begin by emphasizing that mediation is a voluntary process and explaining what they can expect, what benefits it offers, and how they can make use of it. I also clarify the mediator’s neutrality. Additionally, I ask about any topics the mediation partner wishes to address. If they agree to participate, we then set a date for the first meeting.


I don’t require any documentation. The mediator does not review documents, assess their content or authenticity, or analyze who sent which emails or messages. This is not a court proceeding. The substance of the dispute is discussed and resolved solely within the mediation process.

Pre-mediation Talk

During the first mediation session, I explain to the participants how the process will work. Together, we agree on the schedule, the use of flipcharts and notes, and the rules for exchanging information. I also emphasize the mediator’s neutrality, as well as the confidentiality and voluntary nature of mediation. If both parties understand everything and find the process meaningful, we move forward.


Mediation, as a conversation between the parties with the mediator’s support, follows several stages. In the first phase, the mediator listens carefully to both parties. The goal is to understand their perspectives and clarify any misunderstandings. Typically, each party speaks in turn while the other listens.

The mediator facilitates the discussion, mapping out the situation, including the emotions, needs, and concerns of both sides. This is a crucial stage of mediation and can sometimes be lengthy and challenging. If successful, the parties gain a better understanding of each other and can engage in a constructive dialogue.

The discussion then shifts toward defining the core issues, exploring possible solutions, and working toward a resolution. If helpful, a plan is created for the parties to implement. After a set period, they reconvene with the mediator to assess whether the plan is effective or needs adjustment.

Outcomes of Your Mediation

Participants in mediation can reach any agreement that makes sense to them and complies with the law. They may leave with a partial agreement that helps rebuild lost trust gradually. Another possibility is an implementation plan, which they first test in practice and then review at a follow-up session to assess its effectiveness and make adjustments if needed.

If the parties are clear about their limits and options, they can also finalize a comprehensive agreement. This may serve as a private arrangement between them or be submitted to the court for approval, for example, as part of ongoing legal proceedings.

All agreements must meet legal requirements, and those intended for court approval must also align with the relevant legal framework. The mediator ensures that these conditions are met.

Your Privacy

As a mediator, I operate in a strictly confidential environment and do not share any information from the mediation with anyone—not with the court, authorities, or even those close to me. All outcomes are mutually agreed upon by both parties, including how they will be handled.

Participants are also expected to respect the confidentiality of the mediation. If confidentiality is breached, the mediation may be terminated.

I am flexible – feel free to contact me

We respect your busy schedule and try to find a date that you can easily fit into your work and personal life. If the situation requires a quick solution, we will be happy to accommodate and offer the earliest possible date.

We provide mediation online so you don’t have to travel anywhere. Prefer to meet in person? We have a quiet space for you in the centre of Brno.

We are not subject to VAT, which allows us to offer a better price. Our hourly rate covers the cost of rent, administration and our fee as we do not draw on public funds. In case of a serious reason we can agree on the price individually.

Don’t be afraid to call us – an initial consultation is always free of charge.

How much?

1 200 CZK/ 60mins/ one participant
(the price is total, the company is not a VAT payer)


Slovinská 29/693
Brno – Královo Pole

meeting rooms of the company SUBTECH, s.r.o.

or online


The date can be arranged by phone
Weekends are also possible in urgent situations

Are you hesitating whether mediation is suitable for you?

Call or write. Together, we will discuss in general terms what is going on and what the options are for resolution and determine if your case is suitable for mediation.


phone: +420 737 558 759
e-mail: mediace@resolvia.cz